World’s first complete school inspired by FCL zones – Pirkkala Kirkonkylä school

The primary objectives of FCLab’s activities are to develop new learning environments, teaching technology, and pedagogy, and to foster the utilization of teaching technology. While a significant portion of the development work occurs within the FCLab-units, the overarching aim of a publicly funded project is to yield benefits that extend more broadly across the entire educational landscape. This case study illustrates the collaboration between FCLab and Pirkkala Kirkonkylä School, tracing their journey from the conceptual stage to the school’s successful implementation over the course of a year.

A Joint Evening on Digital Well-Being and Innovation in Education

The University of Eastern Finland’s training schools organized a joint evening for teachers, students, guardians and teacher trainees on digital well-being and innovation. The event that was part of the DigiEduHack project, which aims to support human-centered digital transformation in education and find solutions to its current and future challenges. The event involved participants from different age groups and roles, who worked together. The event highlighted the importance of collaboration, creativity, and innovation. It also served as an event to foster equality. Students’, parents’ and others’ participation and empowerment are important for school development.

The University of Eastern Finland’s training schools FCLab-crew organized a joint evening for teachers, students, guardians and teacher trainees on digital well-being and innovation. The event was part of the DigiEduHack project, an initiative organized by the European Commission. The event aimed to show how different actors can work together in school and generate new ideas and ways of collaboration.

The event also emphasized the importance of innovation and collaboration in digital education and well-being. The event fostered a culture of co-creation and co-learning among the participants, who shared their ideas, feedback, and experiences with each other. The event was a fun and engaging way to promote digital literacy and competence in the 21st century.

DigiEduHack is an initiative organized by the European Commission that connects teachers, learners, researchers, developers, and other people working or interested in education around the world. The project’s goal is to create together solutions for digital education challenges and opportunities. DigiEduHack organizes an annual global 24-hour hackathon, where participants can develop their ideas and prototypes around different themes. In 2023, the hackathon was held on November 9-10 and involved more than 2000 people from 60 countries. The hackathon resulted in more than 200 innovative solutions.

DigiEduHack also organizes other events, such as webinars, workshops, and networking sessions, related to digital education. For example, the evening of November 6, 2023, organized by Rantakylä Teacher Training School and Tulliportti Teacher Training School, was one of these events. The event focused on digital well-being and innovation in education and offered various activities and presentations for the participants. The event also aimed to inspire and empower the participants to take part in the DigiEduHack hackathon and contribute to the digital transformation of education.

The joint evening on digital well-being and innovation in education also served as an event to foster empowerment and equality among the participants. The event aimed to create a safe and inclusive space where everyone could express their opinions, ideas, and needs without fear of discrimination or exclusion. The event also recognized and celebrated the diversity of the participants, who came from different age groups, backgrounds, cultures, and experiences. The event encouraged the participants to learn from each other and to respect each other’s perspectives and values. The event also promoted gender equality and girls’ education, as digital learning can offer more opportunities and choices for girls to pursue their interests and aspirations. The event was a great example of how digital education can empower and equalize people and communities.

The joint evening on digital well-being and innovation in education was a successful and inspiring event that showcased the potential of digital education to foster well-being, creativity, and collaboration. The participants appreciated the opportunity to learn from each other and to share their views and ideas on how to improve digital education and well-being. The event was a great example of how the University of Eastern Finland’s training schools are committed to supporting digital education and well-being in their communities.

For further information:

FCLab project showcased inclusive digital activities at EAPRIL 2023 Conference

Helsingin Messukeskuksessa järjestettiin joulukuussa 2023 Digioppimisen Areena -tapahtuma. Tämän vuoden kantavina teemoina olivat eettisyyden ja teknologian välinen tasapaino, tekoäly, kriittinen ajattelu ja yhdenvertaisuus. FcLab-tiimi Sampo, Markku ja Janne olivat paikalla pitämässä esitystä teemasta FcLab yhdenvertaisuutta edistämässä ja kertomassa, millaista työtä verkosto tekee digitaalisen yhdenvertaisuuden edistämiseksi.

HETL logo


Helsingin Messukeskuksessa järjestettiin joulukuussa 2023 Digioppimisen Areena -tapahtuma. Tämän vuoden kantavina teemoina olivat eettisyyden ja teknologian välinen tasapaino, tekoäly, kriittinen ajattelu ja yhdenvertaisuus. FcLab-tiimi Sampo, Markku ja Janne olivat paikalla pitämässä esitystä teemasta FcLab yhdenvertaisuutta edistämässä ja kertomassa, millaista työtä verkosto tekee digitaalisen yhdenvertaisuuden edistämiseksi.

”I Can Dig It!” -a research and collaboration project, first phase was successful!

Tekoäly-webinaari 4.4.2023 klo 14-16.
FCLabin ja eNorssin järjestämässä tekoäly-webinaarissa 4.4.2023 oli mukana noin 230 osallistujaa.
Ohjelmassa oli mielenkiintoisia asiantuntijapuheenvuoroja sekä yritysmaailman, opettajan ja opetushallituksen puheenvuorot.

FCL Expert at the Escola Salvador Sanromà

Tekoäly-webinaari 4.4.2023 klo 14-16.
FCLabin ja eNorssin järjestämässä tekoäly-webinaarissa 4.4.2023 oli mukana noin 230 osallistujaa.
Ohjelmassa oli mielenkiintoisia asiantuntijapuheenvuoroja sekä yritysmaailman, opettajan ja opetushallituksen puheenvuorot.

”I Can Dig It!” -a research and collaboration project on future digital skills is underway

Tekoäly-webinaari 4.4.2023 klo 14-16.
FCLabin ja eNorssin järjestämässä tekoäly-webinaarissa 4.4.2023 oli mukana noin 230 osallistujaa.
Ohjelmassa oli mielenkiintoisia asiantuntijapuheenvuoroja sekä yritysmaailman, opettajan ja opetushallituksen puheenvuorot.

FCLab and matatalab workshop for teacher students in Joensuu

INFO-TV JA IDID-JÄRJESTELMÄ TAMPEREEN NORSSILLA ytimessä on tehdä kokeilu- ja kehitystyötä oppimisympäristöjen ja tietotekniikan alueella. Suurelta osin kokeilut toteutetaan yhdessä yhteistyöyritysten kanssa. Hyvät käyttökokemukset johtavat usein vakiinnuttamiseen ja laajentamiseen myös Future Classroom Labin ulkopuolelle palvelemaan koko työyhteisöä ja oppilaita. Tästä on esimerkkinä Tampereen Norssilla INFO-TV -järjestelmän ja iDiD-järjestelmän käyttöönotto.

FCLab and matatalab pilot

INFO-TV JA IDID-JÄRJESTELMÄ TAMPEREEN NORSSILLA ytimessä on tehdä kokeilu- ja kehitystyötä oppimisympäristöjen ja tietotekniikan alueella. Suurelta osin kokeilut toteutetaan yhdessä yhteistyöyritysten kanssa. Hyvät käyttökokemukset johtavat usein vakiinnuttamiseen ja laajentamiseen myös Future Classroom Labin ulkopuolelle palvelemaan koko työyhteisöä ja oppilaita. Tästä on esimerkkinä Tampereen Norssilla INFO-TV -järjestelmän ja iDiD-järjestelmän käyttöönotto.

FCL Lead Ambassadors Meeting